Mark Lees, Photographer 29th June 2024

I feel very proud and privilaged to have photographed the Jack Petchey Foundation award ceromonies from the very beginning. I remember photographing Jack's 80th birthday on the River Thames many years ago. He was a very warm charismatic man. I remember an event with Jack in North London together with Sir Ian McKellen when they were meeting with some children for a questions and answer session. We all arrived at the venue. I was very stressed after running in and not having enough pound coins for the car parking. I must have mentioned it quietly to someone next to me while we were all as a group walking down the corridor to the room. Jack and Sir Ian McKellen were right at the very front of the group many people away from me. All of a sudden Jack turned around reached into his pocket and gave me 2 one pound coins for my car parking meter! I was really shocked that he had even heard what I'd said let alone the thought of helping me and taking my stress away in an instant. This little gesture has definitely rubbed off on me and encouraged me also to help people out and about in life if I can. I always enjoyed shaking Jacks hand at events and waiting for the inevitable question that would follow. “Mark, how are the events going and how can we improve them!” In the early years I felt privilaged to be on stage with Jack at every award evening observing first hand the excitement of the children coming up and shaking Jacks hand. Jack and his Foundation have made a profound impact on my personal life over the years and I am deeply saddened that Jack as he would say has now gone upstairs. You will be greatly missed but your legacy will live forever. My deepest condolences go out to all the family.