Olivia Cole. Principal. Petchey Academy 2010-2019

Sir Jack will be remembered by thousands of Hackney children who were fortunate enough to attend his academy in Dalston - the Petchey Academy. It was designed to change the lives of countless children and provide a wealth of opportunity in a community that had endured a poverty of education for a generation. It achieved this goal, guided always by Jack’s motto, “If I think I can, I can”, which provided the foundation for all those “little Petchies”! They cherished his visits to their academy and it was heartwarming when so many of them considered him to be a grandfather figure in their lives. These sentiments were matched by many of our young staff, most of whom in their first jobs after university. In the Petchey Academy they had a family away from home, with Jack at the head of it. I will be eternally grateful to Jack, and his team Andrew, Peter and Ron, for trusting me, first as Vice Principal and later as Principal to take the helm of one of his greatest philanthropic and life-changing projects. I was proud and honoured to hold this role and work alongside such a great leader. He will be missed by so many and remembered with fondness and admiration.